18 Aug

When do we celebrate Never Give Up Day?
Never Give Up Day is an annual event held each year on August 18.
Why is Never Give Up Day celebrated on August 18?
Founded in May 2019, the first organizers sought to channel the full swing of the summer holidays into an awareness day, at a time where people all over the world people cross paths, celebrate and enjoy life. The date coincided with the achievement of the French swimmer Philippe Croizon back in 2012 who completed a swim to connect five continents using custom-made fins. The swimmer who lost all of his limbs in an electrocution accident hoped his accomplishments would inspire others with disabilities. Furthermore, it was later discovered that the oldest traceable text on the theme of Never Give Up, a poem written by Martin Farquhar Tupper, was published in a newspaper from Ann Arbor (MI) on August 18, 1845.
As the saying goes: Nothing is coincidence.
What is Never Give Up Day?
Never Give Up Day is a global celebration day focused on cultivating a mindset of determination.
Who do we celebrate on Never Give Up Day?
Never Give Up Day celebrates all those who refuse to quit (and those who simply don’t have any other option). The day also celebrates the achievement and contribution of outstanding citizens whose life’s stories encourage others to continue fighting and never give up.
Why is Never Give Up Day a ‘Celebration’ Day?
Most people want their achievements to be acknowledged, not for what they’ve achieved, but what they have been through to achieve It. And there is no better feeling in this world other than knowing that we faced obstacles and that only through grit and determination we’ve overcame it and became successful.
Why is Never Give Up Day so important for us to support and celebrate?
Just like any other special day, our perseverance and determination must be celebrated on a particular day each year. Whenever we are pursuing our dreams, goals or overcoming any kind of obstacle – we all can use such a day to fuel our ambition, resilience and determination. Never Give Up Day is also an occasion to educate and encourage the general public to keep the fight on issues of global concern, like climate change, illness and poverty. Never Give Up Day will reinforce our personal achievements and that of humanity.
What is the purpose of celebrating Never Give Up Day?
One of the most important lessons we can teach our youth is to never give up and to keep fighting to survive and thrive. There are battles in life where ‘giving up’ is not an option.
What is the spirit of Never Give Up Day?
Never Give Up Day is like being part of a big family with millions of people in the same boat, acknowledging the same fight as you, or another cause of concern. It is also an occasion where we cherish the special moments with our friends, family and loved ones who have never given up on each other in their difficult moments of life. Never Give Up Day makes us happy as human to encourage someone else. Encouraging others is one of the best ways to encourage ourselves and to experience joy. Never Give Up Day demonstrates how every act of recognition counts. If inspiration fuels creativity, then recognition fuels confidence. Most people appreciate being recognized for their never give up attitude, particularly if it’s for something they work really hard for and so much believe in themselves.
What is the Impact of Never Give Up Day?
Those who want to give up when life gets tough are deep down searching for purpose in their lives. Never Give Up Day is a signal that can save lives and dreams. If there is unrelenting passion and desire to accomplish their objectives, Never Give Up Day can make the difference between those who will live their dreams and those who don’t.
How to celebrate Never Give Up Day?
Never Give Up Day provides a platform for people, associations and businesses to choose their own best way to contribute to this special day. The day can mark an anniversary and the accomplishments achieved over the years. It can acknowledge someone’s resilience and determination. Even something as simple as appreciating someone who has never given up on them in your difficult times is worth celebrating. Never Give Up Day is a chance to showcase deep personal testimonials, sharing stories about struggles and triumphs.
How can you get involved? There are numerous ways in which you can get involved. You can check in your area if they have organized any local events, or if not, you could organize one! Never Give Up Day provides a common platform that allows the citizens to get involved in a worthy cause and organize their own events, seminars, lectures and fundraising activities. You can also organize a Never Give Up Day Challenge event – a day to smash your goals and challenge yourself.
Where is Never Give Up Day celebrated?
North America (USA & Canada) leads in terms of Never Give Up Day celebrations, with Europe, South Africa, South East Asia and Australia building more and more interest in the celebration day.
Why was Never Give Up Day created?
Never Give Up Day was created to give us purpose to persevere. Never Give Up day helps people balance their emotions between remaining highly motivated whilst dealing with a growing anxiety and fear.
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